Key takeaways:

  • Oil stains left untreated could degrade your asphalt pavement.
  • Fresh oil spots can be cleaned by scrubbing with a detergent and water combination, then applying a seal coating layer.
  • If the oil stain is still wet, you may soak it with kitten litter or baking soda.
  • Oil seeping into the asphalt destroys the binder, causing pieces to fall off. The solution is to remove any oil and then repair the damaged area with the help of professional contractors.
  • Extensive damage to asphalt might require removing one or two inches or the whole of asphalt and then laying down brand-new asphalt.

Have you ever noticed a dark spot on the pavement and wondered what it was? Most likely, it was an oil stain. Oil stains are one of the most irritating problems that every parking lot or driveway owner faces. They are unattractive to the eye and can do everything from discoloring the surface of the asphalt to pit craters in the pavement.

Oil stains can be difficult to remove, but with the right knowledge and equipment, it is possible to eliminate that unsightly blemish. Let’s look at how to treat oil spots on your pavement.

Treat Oil Stains and Spots As Soon As Possible!

Oil stains left untreated could degrade your asphalt pavement. Your pavement comprises sand and particles kept together by an asphalt pavement binder. Oil will dissolve the binder, resulting in raveling. When an oil stain is left ignored for an extended period, the surface of your asphalt pavement may become spongy.

Aside from the obvious issue of a hole or crater in your paved surface, the oil-damaged region will allow water to permeate through the foundation layers of your driveway, parking lot, sidewalk, or patio. Water seeping into asphalt surfaces causes it to move and settle, resulting in early fractures, cracking, and costly repairs and replacement. In a nutshell, oil stains deteriorate pavement.

Causes Of Oil Stains:

Oil stains on the pavement are most commonly caused by automobiles that drive or park on the surface. Lawnmowers, snowblowers, and other gas-powered tools also leak oil or gasoline on the pavement. Particularly if you’re filling up the gas tank or maintaining equipment on the road, sidewalk, or paved patio. BBQs (think cooking spray, grease pans, etc.) and leaky rubbish bags or bins holding home oils are other possible sources of oil stains on the pavement. A single drop of any oil substance will discolor the asphalt.

How To Treat Oil Spots and Stains on Asphalt Surfaces?

Method 01: Fresh Oil Spots

These are the simplest to clean when there are new oil stains on your driveway or parking lot. A fresh oil spot on asphalt is merely a stain. The best method is to scrub the stain with a detergent and water combination before thoroughly washing the area. After you’ve cleared the oil stain, apply a seal coating layer to preserve the asphalt.

  • If the oil stain is still wet, you may soak it with kitten litter. You may cover the stain with a full bag of kitten litter. To assist the kitty litter absorb the oil, stomp on it. Allow the kitten litter to sit on the stain overnight, then scoop it up and dispose of it.
  • If it doesn’t work, try baking soda, which is excellent for absorbing oil. Scrub the oil with a vigorous brush after sprinkling it with baking soda. Rinse the baking soda with a hose after it has set for 30 minutes.
  • You can also use a steam pressure washer to dissolve the oil and sweep it away.

Method 02: Oil Seeping into The Asphalt

When an oil stain settles on asphalt, it penetrates the surface. When this happens, the asphalt substance begins to crumble. It requires more thorough treatment than detergent and water. Oil seeping into the asphalt destroys the binder, causing pieces to fall off.

At this point, the solution is to remove any oil and then repair the damaged area with the help of professional contractors. To burn away any extra oil swiftly, contractors frequently use a torch or heat lance. After that, the severity of the damage determines the repair solution. Surface erosion in relatively minor regions is frequently restored using a chip seal.

The chip seal repair procedure is virtually identical to the sealcoat application process, except once the sealcoat is placed, a layer of crushed gravel is distributed across the asphalt and compacted into the surface. This efficiently fills in any little gaps. On the other hand, more severe raveling may need more significant asphalt repairing solutions.

Method 03: Extensive Damage to Asphalt

The damage caused by oil stains on asphalt might be so severe that the pavement begins to degrade, necessitating a new asphalt installation. Depending on the extent and severity of the damage, a contractor has two alternatives.

Less serious damage may sometimes be repaired by removing one or two inches of asphalt from the surface with a planer grinder, also known as a milling machine. After removing the damaged section, the contractor cleans the exposed asphalt, applies a tack coat to promote adhesion, and resurfaces the area with a new hot mix.

The second, the more labor-intensive procedure is saw-cutting the damaged area and then laying down brand new asphalt. The whole portion of asphalt is removed this way, ensuring that any remnants of the oil stain are gone. Of course, this process is more time-consuming and costly than merely grinding the surface.

How To Avoid Oil Stains on Your Pavement?

The best way to prevent oil stains is to avoid them in the first place. Be careful to wipe up any oil spills as quickly as possible and get any leaks repaired as soon as feasible. Also, ensure that used motor oil is disposed of properly at a recycling center rather than poured down the drain or left in the garage, where it can leak out onto your pavement surface over time. These simple precautions allow you to avoid those unsightly blemishes on your otherwise perfect pavement surface!

If you have oil spots and stains on your asphalt pavement and are worried about your driveway, parking lot, walkway, or patio, contact the professionals at Surface Solutions, serving Ocean City, MD. We’d be pleased to take a look and discuss your alternatives. Our major goal is to keep your pavement in good condition for as long as feasible.

Schedule a free estimate today!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Asphalt pavement is a popular choice for many commercial and residential properties because it is durable and attractive.
  2. Asphalt pavement installation is a big investment, so it’s important to understand what goes into the process.
  3. It requires little maintenance compared to other paving materials & can last for decades with proper care.
  4. Some of the most important maintenance tasks that you should perform on asphalt pavement include sealcoating, crack filling, pothole repair, and surface cleaning.

If you’re in the market for a new driveway, parking lot, or roadway surface, you’ve probably come across the term “asphalt pavement.” Asphalt pavement installation is a big investment, so it’s important to understand what goes into it. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through our step-by-step installation process and explain what each step entails. Let’s get started!

Steps Involved In Asphalt Pavement Installation

  1. The first step in installing asphalt pavement is to remove the existing pavement. This can be done by milling, full-depth removal, or partial-depth removal.
  2. Next, the subgrade is prepared. This involves compacting the soil to create a stable base for the new pavement.
  3. Once the subgrade is prepared, a layer of gravel is placed on top of it. This layer helps with drainage and provides a stable base for the asphalt.
  4. The next step is placing an asphalt layer on the gravel. This layer is typically about 2-3 inches thick.
  5. Once the asphalt has been placed, it needs to be compacted. You can do this with a roller or a plate compactor.
  6. After the asphalt has been compacted, fine gravel, sand, or both is placed on top. This helps to create a smooth surface for driving.
  7. Finally, traffic markings are placed on the new pavement to indicate where people should drive and park

Benefits of Asphalt Pavement

Most people opt for asphalt paving their driveway or parking lot, but why? There are many benefits to this paving material – let’s explore!

1. Asphalt Pavement Is Durable

Asphalt pavement is one of the most durable paving materials available. It is engineered to withstand heavy traffic and extreme weather conditions. These pavements can last for decades with proper maintenance.

2. It’s Low-Maintenance

It requires little maintenance compared to other paving materials. It does not require sealing or resurfacing as often as concrete or stone pavements. Additionally, asphalt pavement is less likely to crack or chip than other pavements.

3. It’s Recyclable

Asphalt pavement is 100% recyclable. You can reuse it in new asphalt pavements or roofing applications such as road base material or shingles.

4. It’s Cost-Effective

Asphalt pavement is a cost-effective paving option for both residential and commercial applications. It is less expensive to install than concrete or stone pavements and can last many years with proper maintenance.

5. It’s Easy to Install

It’s easy to install compared to other paving materials. It can be installed quickly and efficiently by experienced professionals. Additionally, you can install asphalt pavement in various weather conditions.

6. It Has a Smooth Surface

Asphalt pavement has a smooth surface that provides a comfortable driving experience for motorists. It is also less likely to cause damage to tires than other types of pavements.

7. It’s Quiet

It’s much quieter than concrete or stone when vehicles are driven over it. This can be beneficial for residential and commercial applications where noise levels are a concern.

8. It’s Attractive

Asphalt pavement can be made to look attractive in various colors and designs. That makes it a popular choice for both commercial & residential applications.

9. Provides Good Traction

Asphalt pavement is safe for both pedestrians and vehicles. It provides good traction and is slip-resistant, making it ideal for areas prone to inclement weather conditions.

How Long Does the Asphalt Pavement Last?

Asphalt pavement is a popular choice for many commercial and residential applications. Its durability and low maintenance costs make it an attractive option for roads, driveways, and parking lots. But how long does asphalt pavement last? The answer depends on several factors, including the type of asphalt mix, the climate, and the amount of traffic.

However, asphalt pavements can last for decades with proper care. Regular sealcoating and crack filling can help prolong the pavement’s life, and regular inspections can help unearth any potential problems before they become serious. With proper care, asphalt pavement can provide years of trouble-free service.

Related: Asphalt Patching Techniques: How To Repair Pavement & Parking Lots?

Maintenance Tips for Asphalt Pavement

Asphalt pavement is one of the most durable and long-lasting paving materials available. However, even asphalt pavement requires regular maintenance to extend its lifespan & keep it looking its best.

Some of the most important maintenance tasks that should be performed on asphalt pavement include the following:

1. Seal Coating

Seal coating is a process in which a protective bituminous coating is applied to the surface of the asphalt pavement. This coating helps protect the asphalt from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, water, and other elements that can cause damage. Seal coating should be performed every two to three years or as needed.

2. Crack Filling

Crack filling is a process in which cracks in the surface of the asphalt are filled with a sealant material. This helps to prevent water from entering the cracks, which can cause further damage to the pavement. Crack filling should be performed every year or as needed.

3. Pothole Repair

Potholes are depressions in the surface of the asphalt that can occur due to weathering or traffic. Pothole repair involves filling the potholes with asphalt patching material. Pothole repair should be performed as needed.

4. Surface Cleaning

Surface cleaning helps to remove dirt, debris, and other materials that can build up on the surface of the asphalt over time. You can clean surfaces with a power washer, broom, or blower. Surface cleaning should be performed as needed.

Read more on asphalt maintenance and rehabilitation.


Asphalt pavement is a popular choice for commercial and residential applications because it is easy to install, repair, and maintain. It is also slip-resistant and provides good traction, making it safe for pedestrians and vehicles. Asphalt pavement can be made to look attractive in various colors and designs.

Is the driveway or parking lot looking a little worse for wear?

Surface Solutions has the perfect solution – a fresh coat of blacktop! Our team can give your driveway or parking lot a new look with our asphalt paving services in no time in Salisbury, MD.

Not only will your driveway or parking lot look amazing, but it will also be much more durable and resistant to wear and tear. So why wait?

Schedule a free estimate now!

Key Takeaways:

  • Preparing the surface and marking the boundaries are crucial steps in striping a parking lot.
  • Use a roller to apply paint along the perimeter of your parking lot, and then fill in with parallel lines.
  • Don’t forget to touch up any missed spots with a brush!
  • Stripe your parking lot regularly to maintain its appearance and ensure safety for drivers.
  • Surface Solutions offers paving and striping services to customers in Seaford, DE, and the surrounding areas.

Parking lot striping can be expensive for small business owners, but it doesn’t have to be. Surface Solutions will show you how to do it yourself and save money. We’ll start by discussing the different types of striping and how to choose the right style for your needs. Then we’ll discuss the tools and materials you’ll need to start. Finally, we’ll walk you through the steps of actually completing the project. Are you ready to get started?

What is Parking Lot Striping?

Parking lot striping is the process of painting lines and markings on a parking lot to designate where each stall should be and any handicapped parking, fire lanes, crosswalks, and other vital areas. It is typically done with a machine that can quickly and easily apply thepaint to the pavement.

Why is Parking Lot Striping Important?

It is essential for several reasons. First, it helps to ensure that each stall in a parking lot is the correct size and that there is enough space for each vehicle. Additionally, parking lot striping can help to improve the overall appearance of a parking lot and make it more inviting for customers or tenants. Finally, it is also essential for safety purposes, as it can help to prevent accidents by clearly delineating where each stall is located. A well-lit and well-marked parking lot can help to avoid accidents by making it easier for drivers to see where they are going. Additionally, a well-striped parking lot can help to improve traffic flow and prevent congestion.

When to Strip Your Parking Lot

The best time to stripe your parking lot is spring or fall. Striping in the spring will allow you to take advantage of the warmer temperatures and longer days. Striping in the fall will let you do the job before the weather gets too cold.

Ideally, you should stripe your parking lot every two years. However, if you live in an area with traffic or bad weather, you may need to strip it out more often.

How to Mark Your Parking Lot

You can use paint or chalk to mark out the individual parking spaces. Please ensure each area is marked and there is plenty of room for vehicles to park in them.

There are a variety of different patterns that can be used for pavement markings, each with its purpose. The most common patterns are solid lines, dashed lines, and crosswalks. Solid lines are typically used to delineate traffic lanes or indicate the edge of the roadway. Dashed lines are typically used to indicate passing zones or areas where turning is allowed. Crosswalks are typically used to indicate pedestrian crossing areas.

Pavement markings can also be manufactured with reflective properties that make them visible at night or in low-light conditions. Reflective pavement markings are typically made from glass beads or retroreflective tape that reflect light to the driver’s eyes, making them easier to see in dark conditions.

Pavement markings can be applied in various colors, each serving a specific purpose. The most common colors are white and yellow, but other colors, such as red, green, and blue, can also be used. White pavement markings are typically used to delineate traffic lanes or indicate the edge of the roadway. Yellow pavement markings indicate passing zones or areas where turning is allowed. Red pavement markings show stop signs or traffic signals. Green pavement markings generally are used to indicate pedestrian crossing areas. Blue pavement markings are typically used to indicate accessible parking spaces or areas where parking is allowed.

Also, read our blog on the trips and tricks of striping your parking lot.

1. Materials Needed

To stripe a parking lot, you will need the following materials:


You will need enough paint to cover the entire parking lot. The type of paint you use will depend on the surface you are striping. For asphalt surfaces, you will need water-based paint. For concrete surfaces, you will need oil-based paint. Asphalt paint is typically cheaper than concrete paint but does not last as long. Concrete stain is more expensive but will last longer and provide a more durable finish.


You will need stencils to create the lines and markings in your parking lot. You can purchase stencils from various online retailers or local hardware stores.

-Tape Measure:

You will need a tape measure to accurately measure your parking lot’s dimensions and ensure that your lines are straight.

-Chalk Line:

A chalk line is a tool used to create straight lines on surfaces. You will need a chalk line to mark the boundaries of your parking lot before you begin painting.


A roller is used to apply the paint evenly to surfaces. You will need a roller to apply thepaint to your parking lot.


A brush can be used to paint smaller areas or to touch up areas missed by the roller.

2. Preparation

Before you begin painting, you will need to prepare the surface of your parking lot. For an asphalt surface, you will need to power wash the area and remove any debris or dirt that could prevent the paint from adhering correctly. For a concrete surface, you will need to etch the surface with muriatic acid to create a rough texture that will help the paint adhere better. Once you have prepared the surface, you will need to mark the boundaries of your parking lot with chalk to know where to start painting.

3. Applying Paint

Once you have prepared the surface and marked the boundaries of your parking lot, you can begin applying paint. First, pour some paint into a tray and then load your roller. Once your roller is loaded, start painting along the perimeter of your parking lot. As you work around the perimeter, use your brush to touch up any areas missed by the roller. Once you have finished painting the frame, fill in the rest of your parking lot by painting parallel lines across it.

Check out the National Security Council website to ensure safety features at your parking lot whenstripingit.

Need Striping or Paving Services in Seaford, DE?

So, if you need paving or striping done, Surface Solutions is here to help. We have a long history of providing quality asphalt services to the Seaford area. We would be more than happy to come to take a look and give you a free estimate. Give us a call today!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Inspecting your pavement regularly and clearing the snow and ice to prevent damage and maintain safety is essential.
  2. Cold weather can cause cracks, unevenness, and other problems with the pavement.
  3. Clear snow or ice promptly, and use de-icing agents sparingly.
  4. Don’t forget regular pavement maintenance tasks such as power washing and sealing.

One of the most important things you should do before winter is to inspect your pavement and make sure it is prepared for the challenges. Not only will this help keep your employees and customers safe, but it will also prevent damage to your surface.

Whether heavy snowfall or dangerous ice, making sure your pavement is up for the challenge is important.

This blog post discusses the importance of pavement maintenance during the winter. It provides a helpful checklist to ensure your pavement lasts through the season.

How Does the Cold Weather Affect the Pavement?

Cold weather can take a toll on pavement, causing everything from small cracks to complete deterioration. Water is the primary culprit, as it expands when it freezes and exerts significant pressure on the surrounding material. This can cause cracks in the pavement, which become more extensive as vehicles drive over them.

The freeze-thaw cycle can also cause the pavement to heave or rise, creating a bumpy and uneven surface. In extreme cases, the pavement may collapse if the underlying soil is washed away by melting snow or ice.

While repair work can mitigate some damage, it is often only a temporary fix. Over time, cold weather will continue to take its toll on pavement, eventually leading to the need for complete replacement.

Related: What Damage Does Winter Bring to Your Pavement?

Winter Checklist for Your Pavement

Check For Cracks

Cold weather can cause cracks in your pavement that grow wider and deeper with time. Check for any cracks that may have developed over the fall and address them as soon as possible. Cracks left unrepaired can turn into potholes, which can be very costly to fix.

Check for Unevenness

With the freezing and thawing during winter, pavers are not uncommon to settle or heave, resulting in an uneven surface. Use a level to check for areas that seem higher or lower than others. If you find any inconsistencies, take steps to level out your pavement.

Inspect Your Drainage System

Make sure the gutters & downspouts are clear of leaves and debris so that melting snow and ice have a clear path to drain away from your pavement. Clogged gutters can cause water to seep under your pavers, resulting in significant damage.

Clear Away Any Snow and Ice

Snow and ice that are allowed to build up on your pavement can cause severe damage. Clear away any accumulation as soon as possible to prevent lasting damage. If you live in an area with snowfall, consider investing in a snow plow or hiring a professional snow removal service.

Apply De-Icer Sparingly

De-icer is essential for preventing dangerous slips and falls on your pavement, but too much of it can eat away at the surface of your pavers. Use de-icing chemicals sparingly and only when necessary. Choose a safe de-icing agent for asphalt or concrete, such as calcium chloride or magnesium.

Keep An Eye on The Forecast

Be sure to check the weather forecast regularly so you can plan for any significant winter storms headed your way. This will give you time to take precautions, such as clearing away any loose leaves or debris from your gutters ahead of time, so you’re not caught off guard when bad weather hits.

How To Identify Common Problems with the Pavement?

Cracks In the Pavement

One problem that you might see is cracks in the pavement. These cracks can be caused by everything from temperature changes to heavy traffic. To fix them, you’ll need to fill them in with a strong sealant.


Potholes form when water seeps into cracks in the pavement and then freezes. This causes the pavement to expand and contract, weakening the structure and eventually leading to a hole. To fix a pothole, you’ll need to remove the loose debris from the hole and then fill it in with fresh asphalt.

Sunken Sections

Another issue that might arise is sunken sections of pavement. This can happen when the ground underneath settles or shifts. You’ll need to excavate the area around the sunken section and then fill it with fresh soil or sand.

Stained Or Discolored

You might find that your pavement is stained or discolored. This can be caused by anything from oil leaks to rust stains. You’ll need to use a strong cleaner to remove stains from the pavement.

Sag or Cave In

You might notice that your pavement is starting to sag or cave in. This is usually caused by poor drainage or unstable soil conditions. You’ll need to install drains around the perimeter of your pavement and ensure that any water is directed away from it to prevent sagging.

Awareness of these common problems can help keep your pavement in good condition all winter.

The Benefits of Keeping Your Pavement in Good Condition

  • Properly maintained pavement could last many years, providing a safe and stable surface for pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchair users, and motorists.
  • Pavement in good condition is less likely to crack, buckle, or give way under the weight of traffic.
  • Well-maintained pavement is easier to keep clean and debris-free, which can clog storm drains and cause flooding.
  • Preventing problems with your pavement before they start can save you a great deal of money over time. Explore the asphalt repair cost here.
  • Routine cleaning and sealing can extend your pavement’s life and help it resist the effects of weathering.
  • An attractive property is more likely to draw visitors and customers than one that appears run-down or neglected.
  • Keeping your pavement in good condition sends a message that you take pride in your property and are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for everyone who uses it.


Winter weather can be tough on pavements, but with some care, you can keep yours looking great all season long! Use this checklist as a guide to help you inspect your pavement throughout the winter months. By taking these simple steps, you can prevent costly repairs down the road.

Let Surface Solutions take care of all your snow-clearing and pavement maintenance this winter in Cambridge, MD. We have years of experience dealing with harsh winter weather and know how to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Schedule a free estimate now!

Key Takeaways –

  • If your driveway is deteriorating and cracks appear, you may need to invest in a crack filler.
  • There are many types of crack fillers available on the market.
  • This article compares crack fillers to help you decide on a suitable product.
  • Adhesion, coverage, and dry time are a few factors to consider when choosing the best crack filler.
  • Regardless of your product, you can maximize pavement maintenance results by choosing the right contractor for asphalt repair.

Is your driveway deteriorating and looking a bit worse for wear? Are the cracks appearing more and more each time you park your car? If so, it’s time to think about investing in the crack filling. But with so many different types of crack fillers available on the market, which one should you choose? This blog post is for you if you’re looking to fill in cracks but don’t know which type of filler to use. We compare various crack fillers so that you can decide which one will work best for your project.

A Closer Look at Crack Fillers

At first glance, all crack fillers may seem similar. However, key differences set certain products apart. This blog post takes a closer look at four important factors to consider when choosing a crack filler: adhesion, coverage, dry time, and ease of use, and it also lists down the best crack fillers available in the market.


Adhesion is the ability of the crack filler to bond to the surface. This is important because you want the crack filler to last as long as possible. An excellent way to test for adhesion is to apply a small amount of the product to an inconspicuous area and then try to remove it. It probably isn’t the best choice if it comes off easily.


Coverage is another important consideration; it is the amount of crack filler you will need to cover a given area. You want to ensure that you choose a product that provides sufficient coverage without being too thick or runny.

Dry Time

Dry time is the amount of time it takes for the crack filler to dry completely. You don’t want to wait too long for the product to dry before using the area again.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is also an important consideration. You want to ensure that the product is easy to apply and doesn’t require special equipment.

Deery Hot Pour Rubberized Crack Filler

Fortunately, a hot pour rubberized crack filler is an easy fix to ungainly surface cracks. Here are a few reasons why Deery hot pour rubberized crack filler is the best choice for your commercial property.

Can Cover 200 Linear Feet Per Block

Deery hot pour rubberized crack filler can cover up to 200 linear feet per block, making it the perfect choice for large commercial properties. Other brands can’t compare when it comes to coverage.

It takes an Hour or Two to Dry.

Once you’ve applied Deery hot pour rubberized crack filler, it’ll take an hour or two to dry. That means you won’t have to close off a section of your parking lot for an extended period while the filler dries. And because it’s applied hot, there’s no need to worry about cold weather slowing down the drying process.

Professional Grade Crack Filler

Deery hot pour rubberized crack filler is a professional-grade product for both asphalt and concrete cracks. It’s flexible and firm and can last up to four years with proper maintenance. This top-of-the-line crack filler is perfect for any commercial property.

The Crack Filler is Also Versatile

Deery hot pour rubberized crack filler is great for cracks and can also be used as a sealant around drains and pipes. This versatile product can save you time and money by eliminating the need to purchase different products for different purposes.

Flex-A-Fill Asphalt Crack Filler

Flex-A-Fill asphalt crack filler is a high-quality, professional-grade product that you can use to repair various asphalt and concrete cracks.

Flex-A-Fill Asphalt Crack Filler Is Easy to Use

One of the best things about Flex-A-Fill asphalt crack filler is that it’s so easy to use. Pour the filler into the crack and use a putty knife or trowel to spread it evenly. Be sure to fill the crack entirely and then give it time to dry—you’ll be amazed at how quickly it dries! In just an hour or two, your crack will be virtually invisible.

Flex-A-Fill Asphalt Crack Filler Is Highly Durable

Another great benefit of Flex-A-Fill asphalt crack filler is its high durability. Once this product dries, it forms a flexible seal resistant to water, UV rays, and temperature fluctuations. This means that you will repair surface cracks for good! No more worrying about them reopening come wintertime—Flex-A-Fill has you covered.

Flex-A-Fill Asphalt Crack Filler Is Inexpensive

Compared to other asphalt repair products on the market, Flex-A-Fill crack filler is relatively inexpensive. For commercial property owners who need to repair multiple cracks in their parking lots or sidewalks, this product provides an affordable solution that will get the job done right without breaking the bank.

Bluestar Flexible Asphalt Crack Filler

Another popular choice for crack-filling is the Bluestar flexible asphalt crack filler. Here’s what the product has to offer:

The Pros of Bluestar Flexible Asphalt Crack Filler

One of the most significant selling points of Bluestar Flexible Asphalt Crack Filler is that it is specifically designed for DIYers. It doesn’t require a melter or hand-held torch for application, saving you time and money. It’s also relatively inexpensive compared to other asphalt crack fillers.

The Cons of Bluestar Flexible Asphalt Crack Filler

Although Bluestar Flexible Asphalt Crack Filler is designed for DIYers, it’s not suitable for all cracks. It’s best used for small cracks (<1/2″), as anything more significant will require a different product. Additionally, because it’s a flexible filler, it’s not recommended for actively moving or expanding cracks, as the filler may not be able to adhere properly.

Also, Read – How to Distinguish Between High and Low-Quality Asphalt Paving Services

So, which crack filler is the best? There can be no definitive answer to that question. It depends on your specific needs and preferences. But we hope this article has given you a better understanding of the different types of crack fillers available and what each one offers. If you need help choosing a crack filler or have other asphalt repair needs, Surface Solutions in Pocomoke City, MD, is here to help. We offer free quotes, so please don’t hesitate to reach out today.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Concrete is a versatile material. It can be used for various indoor & outdoor applications and can be finished in multiple ways.
  2. Stained concrete is becoming popular for home and business owners because it offers durability and a unique look.
  3. Stenciled concrete is used to create patterns and designs on your concrete surface.
  4. Be sure to wear gloves and old clothes when cleaning with either of these solutions, as they can be harsh on your skin & clothing.

Most homeowners want their homes to have a modern look. Concrete is a popular flooring choice because it can be customized to achieve various looks.

Two popular ways to customize concrete floors are stained concrete and stenciled concrete. Although both methods can produce beautiful results, they have some key differences that you should consider before making a final decision.

Stained concrete is achieved by applying a chemical stain to the surface of the concrete. The stain penetrates the pores of the concrete, resulting in a permanent color change. Stenciled concrete, on the other hand, involves applying a colored design to the surface of the concrete using a stencil. The design is then sealed with a clear coat to protect it from wear and tear.

A considerable advantage of stained concrete is that it can create a wide range of different looks, from subtle earth tones to bolder, more vibrant colors.

Stenciled concrete is often used to create patterns or designs on the floor, such as a faux tile look or a geometric design. However, it is essential to note that stenciled concrete can be more challenging to repair if it becomes damaged.

When choosing between stained and stenciled concrete, you must consider the look you want to achieve and the level of maintenance you are willing to commit to. Either way, you can achieve stunning results that will give your home a modern and stylish look.

How to Clean Your Concrete Floor?

  • Start sweeping or vacuuming up any dirt or debris to clean concrete floors.
  • Then, you may power wash the surface to remove any dirt or debris. If you don’t have a power washer, you can rent one from a hardware store.
  • Next, mix mild dish soap and warm water in a bucket and apply it to the stains.
  • If the stains are stubborn, use one of the following remedies instead of dish soap!
    • Mix 1 part water with 1 part vinegar in a bucket and use a mop to scrub the floor.
    • For tough stains, mix baking soda & water into a paste and rub it into the stain with a sponge. Let the paste sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it away with water.
    • Mix 1 part bleach with four parts water in a bucket and use a brush to scrub the mixture into any stains. Let the bleach solution stay for 10 minutes before rinsing it away with water.
  • Using a stiff-bristled brush, scrub the soapy water into the concrete to remove any dirt or grime stuck to the surface.
  • You may need to repeat the cleaning process several times for more stubborn stains.
  • Wear gloves and old clothes when cleaning with either of these solutions, as they can be harsh on your skin & clothing.

Stained & Stenciled Concrete: How to Maintain it?

The stained and stenciled concrete is porous and will need to be sealed to protect it from dirt, spills, and stains. You should seal your concrete surface every couple of years.

When cleaning stained concrete, use mild soap or detergent and avoid harsh chemicals or cleaners. You can pressure wash your stained concrete surface, but be sure to use a low-pressure setting and hold the wand at least six inches away from the surface to avoid damaging it.

Related: Pros and cons of a concrete driveway.

Cleaning Equipment to Use on Concrete Floors

Many people ask which cleaning agents and equipment they should use on their concrete floors. It depends on the floor finish and the level of traffic.

  • A high-gloss sealer will show every footprint, so you’ll want to use a dust mop or vacuum regularly.
  • A matte finish will hide some dirt, so the general rule is to use the least aggressive cleaning method first. This might be sweeping, dusting, or vacuuming.
  • If that doesn’t do the trick, move on to damp mopping with a pH-neutral cleaner. You can also use a scrub brush on stubborn stains.
  • For heavy-duty cleaning, you may need to use a pressure washer. It is also an excellent tool for cleaning concrete, but be careful not to damage the surface.
  • Hold the wand about six inches from the surface and use a low-pressure setting.

You’ll need extra care when cleaning if you have a stained or stenciled concrete floor. You can remove stains with mild acid, but it is best to avoid abrasive cleaners since they damage the finish.

Once you’ve cleaned the floor, it’s important to protect it from future damage. For indoor concrete floors, this means sealing the surface. This will help to prevent staining and make the floor easier to clean.

For outdoor concrete, you’ll need to apply a sealer; it will also help protect your floor from the elements and make cleaning easier.

When cleaning a stained or stenciled concrete floor, it’s important to use the right products and techniques. Following these tips can keep your floor looking its best for years.

Related: Maintaining your concrete driveway!

A new concrete driveway can update the look of your home. Not to mention, it’s important to have a sturdy driveway that will last for years. That’s where we come in – Surface Solutions serving Ocean City, MD, has been providing concrete paving services for years, and we know what we’re doing.

We have a wide range of options to choose from so you can find the perfect driveway for your home. Our team is experienced & knowledgeable, so you can be sure the job will be done right.

Schedule a free estimate now!

Key Takeaways:

  • Road drainage is essential to prevent flooding and erosion.
  • Drainage systems are typically constructed by excavating a trench along the side of the road and installing pipes or other structures to collect and direct water away from the road.
  • Different types of road drainage include gutters, crown, catch basin, culvert, cross drain, dry well, French drain, and many more.
  • Some common problems with road drainage include clogged gutters, broken pipes, and collapsed culverts. Regular maintenance is the solution to these problems.
  • Cross drains are small trenches placed perpendicular to the road at regular intervals. They help to collect runoff and direct it away from the road surface.
  • Surface Solutions offers pavement installation, repair, and maintenance services to customers in Salisbury, MD, and the surrounding areas.

When it rains, the water usually flows off the road and into the nearest storm drain. If your property is adjacent to a road, it’s essential to understand how road drainage works and what you can do to ensure that the water gets away from your property and not onto it. Water damage can be severe and costly to repair, not to mention the inconvenience of dealing with the issue.

Surface Solutions shares a brief guide to road drainage so you can better understand how it works and identify potential problems. We’ll also give you tips on maintaining your pavement.

Importance of Road Drainage

Road drainage is vital for several reasons. First, it helps improve the road’s safety by reducing the risk of hydroplaning and slippery conditions. Additionally, it can help improve the road’s efficiency by preventing potholes and other damage caused by water accumulation.

Design of Road Drainage

Road drainage is typically designed by engineers who consider many factors, including the amount of rainfall in the area, the slope of the road, and the type of soil in the area. In some cases, computer models may be used to design drainage systems.

Drain Construction on Roads

Drainage systems are typically constructed by excavating a trench along the side of the road and installing pipes or other structures to collect and direct water away from the road. Occasionally, catch basins or culverts may be installed as part of the drainage system.

Common Problems with Road Drainage

Common problems with road drainage include clogged gutters, broken pipes, and collapsed culverts. Regular maintenance can prevent these problems.

Also, read our blog on maintaining your concrete driveway.

Types of Road Drainage

1. Gutters & Culvert

Gutters are typically used to collect water from the sides of the road and direct it to a catch basin or culvert. Culverts generally allow water to flow under the road without causing damage. You will need to consult a paving contractor to determine if road gutters suit your property.

2. Crown

Most roads are crowned, meaning they are higher in the center than at the edges. It ensures water drains off the road and does not pool in the middle. The crown also helps to direct water toward the sides of the road, where it can be safely discharged into a drainage ditch or culvert. The gutters and channels allow water to flow away from the road surface and help to prevent flooding and erosion.

If the crown is too steep, water will run off quickly and can cause erosion. If the slope is too shallow, water will pond on the road surface and can lead to flooding.

3. Catch Basin

If you live in an area that receives heavy rains, you may have noticed that some roads are equipped with catch basins. A catch basin is a drainage structure used to collect and store water until it can be discharged into a pipe or other outlet. Catch basins are typically installed at low points in the road surface where water is likely to pond or flood. They are often used with pipes to direct runoff away from the road surface. Catch basins help to collect runoff and prevent flooding by directing water away from the road surface.

You will need to consult with a paving contractor to determine the best location for a catch basin on your property.

You should also clean debris from catch basins regularly. It will ensure they can function properly and prevent blockages that could cause flooding.

4. Cross Drain

If your area frequently faces heavy rains, adding cross drains to the road is a good idea. Cross drains are small trenches placed perpendicular to the road at regular distances. They help to collect runoff and direct it away from the road surface.

It is crucial to maintain proper road drainage to prevent flooding and erosion. If you are unsure about the condition of your road, contact a paving contractor for an assessment. They will recommend the needed repairs and solutions.

5. Dry Well Installation

Another option for managing runoff is to install dry wells. Dry wells are pits that are filled with gravel or other porous material. They are used to collect and store water until it can percolate into the ground. It is an excellent option if you have space on your property and want to manage runoff in an environmentally friendly way.

6. Pipe Installation

If your space is limited, consider installing pipes to direct runoff away from your road. Pipes can be buried underground or placed above ground on supports. They should be sloped so that water flows away from the road surface and does not pond or flood. You will need to consult a paving contractor to determine the best type of pipe for your needs.

7. French Drain

A French drain is an underground system consisting of a perforated pipe surrounded by gravel or other porous material. French drains collect and store water until it can percolate into the ground. These drains are often used in areas where the soil is not porous or with a high water table. Consult a paving contractor to determine if a French drain suits your property.

8. Pervious Pavement

Pervious pavement lets water pass through it. It can be made from concrete, asphalt, pavers, or other materials. Permeable pavement is often used in parking lots and other areas where stormwater runoff needs to be controlled.

Contacting a paving contractor is the best way to ensure that your pavement has proper drainage. They will assess the situation to recommend the best course of action.

Need Drainage Solutions for Your Pavement in Salisbury, MD?

If you need a reliable road drainage solution for your driveway or parking lot in Salisbury, MD, look no further than Surface Solutions. For over 20 years, we have provided our clients with top-notch pavement construction services that stand the test of time. We take pride in our work and invest the necessary time and effort into every project to ensure you are satisfied with the result. Contact us today for a free estimate – we would be happy to discuss your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • To maintain your concrete driveway, you should regularly sweep it and hose it down.
  • Seal your driveway every few years to protect it from the elements.
  • If you see any cracks or damage, you should repair them as soon as possible.
  • When removing oil stains, let the cleaner sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush.
  • When shoveling snow, be careful not to damage the edges of your concrete driveway.
  • Water can cause many problems for concrete driveways, so ensure to have a drainage system.
  • Tree roots can damage concrete by heaving it, causing cracks, and breaking the surface.
  • Avoid parking in the same spot for long periods to prevent the concrete from cracking and settling.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals on your driveway, as this can damage the concrete.
  • Avoid using studded tires on your concrete driveway 
  • When seeking a reputable contractor, ask for recommendations from friends or family.

If you are a homeowner with a concrete driveway, you must know how to maintain it properly. A well-maintained driveway will last for many years and will boost your curb appeal. If you don’t maintain it correctly, your driveway could start crumbling. This post will share some tips on how to maintain your concrete driveway. We will also discuss what not to do to help keep your surface looking great for years to come!

What to Do?

Work with a Professional Concrete Driveway Contractor

The best way to ensure your driveway is properly maintained is to work with a professional concrete driveway contractor. A professional contractor will care for your concrete driveway properly. They will also spot any potential problems before they become serious.

If you are unsure of how to find a reputable contractor, you can ask for recommendations from friends or family. Also, check online reviews to judge a concrete driveway contractor. Once you have found a few contractors that you are interested in, schedule a consultation. This will allow you to ask questions and get more information about their services.

Regularly Sweep – Clean Dirt and Debris

One essential way to maintain your concrete driveway is to sweep it regularly. This will remove dirt or debris accumulated on the surface. Removing any leaves or other organic matter as soon as possible is also important. These can lead to staining and discoloration. Also, hose down your driveway regularly. This will remove any dirt missed by the sweeping.

If you have a power washer, use it to clean the surface. Use a low setting to prevent damaging the surface of the concrete. You may also want to add a cleaner specifically designed for concrete driveways.

Remove Oil & Grease Stains Promptly

One difficult stain to remove from concrete is oil. If you have an oil spill, it’s important to clean it up promptly. The longer it sits, the harder it will be to remove.

You can remove oil stains from your driveway in a few different ways. Use a commercial cleaner, or try making your own by mixing dish soap and water. Once you’ve applied the cleaner, let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush. You may need to repeat it numerous times to remove the stain. If you have a grease stain, you can also try using a degreaser.

Sealcoat Your Driveway Every Few Years

Sealcoating your driveway is one of the best ways to protect it from the elements. Sealcoat will fill in any cracks or holes and provide a barrier against water and oil. You should sealcoat your driveway every two to three years.

Shovel Snow Carefully

When it snows, be careful not to shovel too close to the edges of your driveway. The impact of the shovel can damage the concrete. Also, try to use a plastic shovel instead of a metal one. Metal can scratch the surface of the concrete.

Fill Cracks without Delay

If you see any cracks in your driveway, it’s important to fill them as soon as possible. Cracks can become wider over time, and they can also allow water to seep underneath the concrete. This can cause the driveway to heave or sink. You can buy a crack-filling kit at your local home improvement store. However, it’s recommended to let a professional handle this job. To prevent cracks from forming, it’s important to keep your driveway clean. Sweep away any dirt or debris that could get into the cracks and cause them to widen.

Check out our blog post about concrete cracks.

What Not to Do?

Don’t Let Water Accumulate

Water can cause numerous problems for concrete, including cracking, spalling, and pitting. If your area gets much rain, ensure you have a drainage system in place so that water doesn’t pool on your driveway. Check your gutters frequently to ensure they’re not clogged and causing water to back onto your driveway.

Don’t Let Tree Roots Get Close

When tree roots grow close to the surface of the ground, they can heave and crack concrete. They can also cause uneven settling, which can create trip hazards. They can also grow under and lift the slab, causing cracks and other damage. If there are trees near your driveway, ensure their roots are at least a few feet away from the concrete to avoid damage.

Don’t Park Heavy Vehicles for Long Periods

Parking heavy vehicles such as RVs, trailers, and boats on your driveway for long periods can cause the concrete to crack and settle. If you have to park these vehicles on your driveway, try to do so for shorter periods. Also, avoid parking in the same spot, which can cause the concrete to crack and settle.

Don’t Use Deicing Chemicals

Deicing chemicals, such as salt and calcium chloride, can damage your concrete driveway. They can cause the concrete to become pitted and cracked. Avoid using products with ammonium nitrates because they can accelerate the deterioration of your concrete driveway.

Don’t Use Studded Tires

Studded tires can also damage your concrete driveway. They can cause the concrete to become pitted and cracked. If you must use studded tires, try to drive on grass or gravel next to the driveway to reduce the contact between the tire and the concrete.


A lot goes into maintaining a concrete driveway. However, with these tips, you should have no problem keeping your driveway in tip-top shape. Remember to be patient and consistent with your efforts, and you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful and long-lasting driveway.

Surface Solutions, serving Seaford, DE, is your ideal concrete driveway contractor for several reasons.

  • First, we are experienced and know how to install concrete driveways that will last for decades with proper care.
  • Second, we use high-quality materials designed to withstand the elements and traffic.
  • Third, we offer quality services that can be customized to meet your needs.
  • Finally, we are affordable and offer a warranty on our work.

Contact Surface Solutions today for a free estimate on your next concrete driveway project.

Key Takeaways:

• Before starting, know your purpose. For example, are you marking parking spaces, handicap spaces, or no-parking zones?
• Create a layout before starting to stripe.
• Striping a parking lot without a permit is against the law in some states.
• Follow specific regulations regarding the width of stripes, the spacing between stripes, and the colors.
• Use high-quality paint for the job. Inferior paint will not last as long.
• You will need special line-striping equipment.
• If you don’t feel confident, there are always professionals you can hire to do the job for you.

There is a lot of debate when it comes to line striping a road or pavement. Some people swear by the use of a professional, while others believe that doing it yourself can save you both time and money. No matter which option you prefer, it’s necessary to understand the right method for carrying out the job.

This post will discuss numerous tips for line striping so you can make an informed decision about how to best stripe your parking lot or road.

Determine the Scope of Your Project

The first step in any line striping project is to determine the scope of the work that needs to be done. It means measuring the length and width of the area you need to stripe and considering any obstacles that may be present. Once you clearly understand your project’s size and scope, you can start planning the layout of your lines.

Understand the Local Laws

You need to stripe according to the local codes in your area. It means you must be aware of the local, state, and federal regulations regarding line striping. For example, in some states, it is against the law to stripe a parking lot without a permit. In other states, there may be specific regulations regarding the width of stripes, the spacing between stripes, and the colors that can be used.

Decide On Your Layout

Once you have a clear understanding of the regulations, you can start planning the layout of your lines. Determine the purpose of the line striping. For example, are you marking parking spaces, handicap spaces, or no-parking zones? Once you know the purpose, start planning the layout.

Parking Stalls – How Should They Be

Decide on the size of your parking stalls. The standard width for a parking stall is nine feet, but you may need to adjust the width based on the available space and the size of vehicles that will be using the parking lot. For example, if you are line-striping a parking lot for smaller vehicles such as motorcycles, you may get away with narrower parking stalls.

Parking Stalls – 90-degree Spots or 40-60-degree Diagonal Spots

Another consideration is whether you want your parking stalls to be 90-degree spots or 40-60-degree diagonal spots. Diagonal parking may take up more space, but it can also make it easier for drivers to maneuver into and out of the parking spot. If you are space-conscious or your parking lot is small, you may want to stick with 90-degree parking stalls.

Use High-Quality Paint and Tools

Another important thing is to use the right equipment. This includes choosing the right paint for your project and the right paint sprayer. Always use high-quality paint that is made specifically for asphalt surfaces. This paint will provide you with a bright, visible line that will last long. Choose a weather-resistant paint that can withstand the elements.

You will also need to invest in high-quality tape and chalk lines. It is also essential to have the right tools for the job. This includes a garden hose, a broom, and a squeegee. You will also need tarps or drop cloths to protect your parking lot from paint overspray.

You should also invest in a high-quality line striper. This machine will help you apply the paint evenly and consistently. There are many different types of line stripers, so do your research to find the one that best suits your needs.

Once you have the necessary supplies, you are ready to start line-striping your parking lot.

Clean Your Pavement First

Before you start painting, it is necessary to clean your pavement. This includes sweeping away any dirt, debris, and leaves. You will also need to remove any oil stains or other blemishes. Once your parking lot is clean, you can then start prepping the surface for painting. This includes using a garden hose to wet the pavement and a broom to scrub away any remaining dirt. Ensure the surface is thoroughly dry before you start painting. If there is any moisture on the pavement, it can cause the paint to streak or run. Use a squeegee to remove standing water.

Repair Any Cracks and Potholes

Before painting, it is important to repair any cracks or potholes in your pavement. This will ensure that your line striping looks professional and lasts long.

Here’s a great article about various asphalt patching techniques.

Start Marking

Use a tape measure or ruler to mark off where you want your lines to be. Use chalk to mark the pavement. If you are using chalk, use a color that will stand out against your pavement. Once you have marked off where you want your lines to be, it is time to start painting!

Start Painting

Use a paint roller or brush to apply paint to the pavement. Use even strokes, and don’t go over the same area multiple times. Once done, let the paint dry thoroughly before walking or driving on it.

Learn more about the finer details of line striping!

Line striping can be a daunting task, but with these tips, you’re sure to get great results! Take your time. Plan out your design before painting. If you don’t feel confident, make sure to get in touch with reliable professionals who can do the job for you.

Surface Solutions, serving Cambridge, MD, is the ideal company for line striping because of our high-quality work, reasonable prices, and convenient location. Our professionals use top-of-the-line equipment to deliver precise lines that will last. And we offer various colors and designs to create the perfect look for your business or parking lot. So, if you need line striping services, contact Surface Solutions

Get a Free Estimate Today!

You need to know about asphalt patching techniques if you’re a business owner, property manager, or someone who wants to take care of their asphalt paving. Patching asphalt is a critical part of asphalt repair and maintenance. Regular patching can extend the life of your pavement by years.

Surface Solutions will discuss the different asphalt patching techniques used to repair roads, pavements, and parking lots. We will also discuss the tools and materials that professional paving contractors use to get the job done correctly. So let’s get started!

Asphalt Patching

Asphalt patching is used to repair cracks in asphalt pavements. It aims to fill the pavement’s gaps so that they are no longer visible and do not pose a safety hazard. Several different asphalt patching techniques can be used, and the best method will often depend on the size and depth of the cracks.

1. Cold Asphalt Mix

The most common asphalt patching technique is to use a cold asphalt mix. This mix is typically made with asphalt emulsion, sand, and gravel. It is mixed together and then applied to the cracks using a trowel or squeegee. Once it is in place, the cold asphalt mix will harden and form a permanent bond with the surrounding pavement.

2. Hot Asphalt Patching

Another asphalt patching technique that can be used is hot asphalt patching. This method involves heating the asphalt to become malleable enough to be spread over the cracks. The hot asphalt mix is made with asphalt cement, sand, and gravel. It is then heated to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit and applied to the damaged area with a trowel or squeegee. Once it has cooled and hardened, hot asphalt patching provides a powerful bond that can last for many years.

3. Asphalt Overlay

For long-lasting results, you will need an asphalt overlay. It involves laying down a new layer of asphalt over the existing pavement. Asphalt overlay is often used to repair roads damaged by weathering or wear and tear.

4. Full-Depth Asphalt Repair

Finally, you may want to consider full-depth asphalt repair if the surface has completed its life or undergone extensive deterioration. This technique involves excavating the damaged area to the base material and installing a new asphalt layer. Full-depth asphalt repair is often used for large potholes or cracks over two inches wide. This method is more expensive than patching but will provide more durable surface restoration.

Which Technique to Use?

The best method for repairing asphalt will depend on the severity of the damage. For minor cracks and deterioration, hot asphalt patching may be all that is needed. However, an asphalt overlay may be the best option for more severe damage.

Regardless of your chosen method, hiring a professional paving contractor is essential to ensure the job is done correctly. Hiring a professional will also provide you with the warranty benefit. Moreover, a professional paving contractor has the experience and equipment necessary to ensure that your asphalt repair will last many years.

Ending Note

Surface Solutions is your best bet for asphalt patching in Pocomoke City, MD. We have the experience and knowledge to complete the job correctly and efficiently.

Book a free estimate with us today to learn more about our services!