Mar 21, 2022

Bollards are a vital part of security for any commercial property. They provide a physical barrier to prevent unauthorized access. Installing bollards is a job best handled by professionals like Surface Solutions.

What are Bollards?

They are short and vertical posts that block vehicular or pedestrian access to an area. Bollards are usually made of metal or plastic and can be permanent or removable.

You can find bollards in various settings, including parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, and even inside buildings near elevators and stairwells. There are three primary types of bollards:

  1. Removable bollards: used for temporary work zones provide a visual and physical barrier. They inform drivers and pedestrians of the area’s restrictions and are easy to remove when the work is complete.
  2. Fixed bollards: these are permanently installed and cannot be moved. They are used to restrict access to a particular area or prevent collisions, such as shopping plazas in traffic-heavy areas.
  3. Collapsible bollards: built into the ground can be easily retracted or lowered to allow access when needed. Otherwise, they are hidden, making them less of an eyesore.

Why Bollards?

Safety bollards are a common sight to see, and there are several good reasons for that. Here are just a few:

Decorative Additions

On a commercial property, you can utilize decorative bollards to enhance the look of your building or plaza. There are a variety of styles to choose from, so finding the right ones for your space is easy. And, since they can be made to match almost any color scheme, they’ll perfectly complement your existing décor.


They’re not called “safety bollards” for nothing! Bollards can provide a significant amount of protection for your property and employees. In an accident or attack, they will help to redirect traffic and minimize damage.


You can customize your safety bollards to include lighting, making them even more effective. This is especially useful if your property is located in a dimly lit area or if you have evening events.

Why Not Bollards?

Safety bollards are not everyone’s cup of tea, and we can understand that. Here are a few considerations to remember before you rush into a decision:


You might assume that safety bollards can be an unnecessary expense, especially if your property has an existing boundary wall or fence. However, when you consider the potential damage you could suffer without them, the price is likely worth it.

Legal Procedures

Yes, you’re probably glad we mentioned that. In some cases, you may need to get planning permission before installing bollards. Check with your local Building Code Department to be sure.

The Takeaway

Safety bollards are an effective and necessary way to protect your property, but they’re not necessarily for everyone. If you’re on the fence about installing them, weigh all of the pros and cons before deciding.

At Surface Solutions, we offer reliable service and quality installation of safety bollards for commercial properties in Salisbury, MA.

Schedule a free estimate today!