Sep 19, 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • To maintain your concrete driveway, you should regularly sweep it and hose it down.
  • Seal your driveway every few years to protect it from the elements.
  • If you see any cracks or damage, you should repair them as soon as possible.
  • When removing oil stains, let the cleaner sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush.
  • When shoveling snow, be careful not to damage the edges of your concrete driveway.
  • Water can cause many problems for concrete driveways, so ensure to have a drainage system.
  • Tree roots can damage concrete by heaving it, causing cracks, and breaking the surface.
  • Avoid parking in the same spot for long periods to prevent the concrete from cracking and settling.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals on your driveway, as this can damage the concrete.
  • Avoid using studded tires on your concrete driveway 
  • When seeking a reputable contractor, ask for recommendations from friends or family.

If you are a homeowner with a concrete driveway, you must know how to maintain it properly. A well-maintained driveway will last for many years and will boost your curb appeal. If you don’t maintain it correctly, your driveway could start crumbling. This post will share some tips on how to maintain your concrete driveway. We will also discuss what not to do to help keep your surface looking great for years to come!

What to Do?

Work with a Professional Concrete Driveway Contractor

The best way to ensure your driveway is properly maintained is to work with a professional concrete driveway contractor. A professional contractor will care for your concrete driveway properly. They will also spot any potential problems before they become serious.

If you are unsure of how to find a reputable contractor, you can ask for recommendations from friends or family. Also, check online reviews to judge a concrete driveway contractor. Once you have found a few contractors that you are interested in, schedule a consultation. This will allow you to ask questions and get more information about their services.

Regularly Sweep – Clean Dirt and Debris

One essential way to maintain your concrete driveway is to sweep it regularly. This will remove dirt or debris accumulated on the surface. Removing any leaves or other organic matter as soon as possible is also important. These can lead to staining and discoloration. Also, hose down your driveway regularly. This will remove any dirt missed by the sweeping.

If you have a power washer, use it to clean the surface. Use a low setting to prevent damaging the surface of the concrete. You may also want to add a cleaner specifically designed for concrete driveways.

Remove Oil & Grease Stains Promptly

One difficult stain to remove from concrete is oil. If you have an oil spill, it’s important to clean it up promptly. The longer it sits, the harder it will be to remove.

You can remove oil stains from your driveway in a few different ways. Use a commercial cleaner, or try making your own by mixing dish soap and water. Once you’ve applied the cleaner, let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush. You may need to repeat it numerous times to remove the stain. If you have a grease stain, you can also try using a degreaser.

Sealcoat Your Driveway Every Few Years

Sealcoating your driveway is one of the best ways to protect it from the elements. Sealcoat will fill in any cracks or holes and provide a barrier against water and oil. You should sealcoat your driveway every two to three years.

Shovel Snow Carefully

When it snows, be careful not to shovel too close to the edges of your driveway. The impact of the shovel can damage the concrete. Also, try to use a plastic shovel instead of a metal one. Metal can scratch the surface of the concrete.

Fill Cracks without Delay

If you see any cracks in your driveway, it’s important to fill them as soon as possible. Cracks can become wider over time, and they can also allow water to seep underneath the concrete. This can cause the driveway to heave or sink. You can buy a crack-filling kit at your local home improvement store. However, it’s recommended to let a professional handle this job. To prevent cracks from forming, it’s important to keep your driveway clean. Sweep away any dirt or debris that could get into the cracks and cause them to widen.

Check out our blog post about concrete cracks.

What Not to Do?

Don’t Let Water Accumulate

Water can cause numerous problems for concrete, including cracking, spalling, and pitting. If your area gets much rain, ensure you have a drainage system in place so that water doesn’t pool on your driveway. Check your gutters frequently to ensure they’re not clogged and causing water to back onto your driveway.

Don’t Let Tree Roots Get Close

When tree roots grow close to the surface of the ground, they can heave and crack concrete. They can also cause uneven settling, which can create trip hazards. They can also grow under and lift the slab, causing cracks and other damage. If there are trees near your driveway, ensure their roots are at least a few feet away from the concrete to avoid damage.

Don’t Park Heavy Vehicles for Long Periods

Parking heavy vehicles such as RVs, trailers, and boats on your driveway for long periods can cause the concrete to crack and settle. If you have to park these vehicles on your driveway, try to do so for shorter periods. Also, avoid parking in the same spot, which can cause the concrete to crack and settle.

Don’t Use Deicing Chemicals

Deicing chemicals, such as salt and calcium chloride, can damage your concrete driveway. They can cause the concrete to become pitted and cracked. Avoid using products with ammonium nitrates because they can accelerate the deterioration of your concrete driveway.

Don’t Use Studded Tires

Studded tires can also damage your concrete driveway. They can cause the concrete to become pitted and cracked. If you must use studded tires, try to drive on grass or gravel next to the driveway to reduce the contact between the tire and the concrete.


A lot goes into maintaining a concrete driveway. However, with these tips, you should have no problem keeping your driveway in tip-top shape. Remember to be patient and consistent with your efforts, and you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful and long-lasting driveway.

Surface Solutions, serving Seaford, DE, is your ideal concrete driveway contractor for several reasons.

  • First, we are experienced and know how to install concrete driveways that will last for decades with proper care.
  • Second, we use high-quality materials designed to withstand the elements and traffic.
  • Third, we offer quality services that can be customized to meet your needs.
  • Finally, we are affordable and offer a warranty on our work.

Contact Surface Solutions today for a free estimate on your next concrete driveway project.