Jul 6, 2022

Asphalt paving technology has come a long way in the last few years. Gone are the days of asphalt crews having to shovel hot, sticky black asphalt into place manually! Modern paving machines can lay down a smooth, even layer of asphalt in no time. Plus, with all the new technological advances in paving equipment, you can ensure your driveway will be looking its best for years to come.

Site Preparation:

Establishing grade lines for your paving project was time-consuming and tedious back in the day. It required a site glass to spot the linker rod, which set the line level.

Nowadays, there are laser-guided transits that do all the work for you in a fraction of the time! Contractors can now take elevations and grades more precisely to determine a drainage plan.

Removal and Complete Tear Off:

Asphalt installation projects that start from ground zero typically require the removal of old asphalt. It is a backbreaking process that involves breaking up the old asphalt with jackhammers, loaders, and other heavy machinery.

New methods and technologies are emerging that allow for asphalt removal using a process called milling. Milling uses a large machine that grinds up the old asphalt surface, making removal and replacement much simpler.

Automatic Grade and Slope Control:

Graders and contractors used to set the slope and grade of an asphalt surface manually. It was a time-consuming process that often resulted in errors. Errors would lead to inadequate drainage, pooling water, and potholes.

Paving contractors use motor graders with automated grade and slope controls to keep within an established grading grid. With an automatic grader blade ensuring exact percentages to ensure the proper grade and drainage, there are lower chances for potholes and other surface defects.

Sub-Base Evaluation:

Sub-base determines the integrity and strength of an asphalt pavement. In the past, a contractor would have to manually take core samples of the sub-base and send them off to a lab for compaction testing. The process was timely and expensive, and often the results would come back too late to be of any use.

However, with a proof roll and nuclear density testing, a contractor can get real-time compaction readings of the sub-base. It ensures that the sub-base is solid and adequately compacted before asphalt is laid, leading to a more robust and longer-lasting pavement.

Preventative Maintenance:

Asphalt pavement lifespan can be greatly increased with preventative maintenance. Crack sealing and sealcoating are two of the most effective asphalt preventive measures. By regularly scheduling these services, you can almost double the life of your asphalt pavement.

Technology has also changed the way we schedule and track preventative maintenance. There are now software tools that can follow when services are due and remind you to schedule them. It takes the guesswork out of preventive care. It helps ensure that your asphalt pavement will last as long as possible.

Final Thoughts:

Advancement in technology has allowed for many changes in the asphalt paving industry. You now have access to smoother, longer-lasting, and more durable asphalt pavement.

What remained constant, though, is the indispensable role of professional asphalt contractors. They will continue to be the ones who turn your vision for your property into reality.

If you’re thinking about having asphalt pavement installed, contact Surface Solutions, serving Salisbury, MD.

Contact us today to learn how we can help!