Asphalt Sealcoating

Even though asphalt alone is a robust paving material, getting your asphalt surface sealcoated for extra protection is always recommended. Sealcoating is essentially a protective layer for your roads and pavement – and protects the integrity of your asphalt’s structure from crumbling apart.

By sealcoating, you are essentially coating your surface with a final layer to extend the life of your parking lots and driveways. Our experts always finish off your asphalt project with a seal coat as a barrier against water erosion, freeze-thaw damage, harsh UV rays, surface deterioration, and oil stains.

All in all, sealcoating acts like a shield for roads and pavement thanks to its high tolerance against surface damage.

How Sealcoating Works

A seal coat mixture consists of small grains of sand, mineral fillers, dissolved asphalt, and emulsified tar, which, when combined, becomes a thick concoction ready to be applied. Sealcoating consists of using this mixture, along with a spray or squeegee applicator to evenly spread out the black liquid all over the asphalt surface.

A seal coat mixture acts as a protective glue for your pavement. This explains why your surface’s lifespan extends by an additional 5-10 years thanks to the seal coat mixture’s strengthening and shielding characteristics.

Another great benefit of opting for sealcoating is that it enhances your surface’s appearance. A faded asphalt surface is a sign of a well-used pavement that hasn’t received regular maintenance. Sealcoating, however, helps restore your surface’s original black hue and keeps it looking smooth and shiny for long.